Wheee! Finally finished with my February BJP page. This one is called "make me one with everything". I had some Buddha cabs I wanted to incorporate in the piece and kept thinking of that old silly joke about Buddha at the hot dog stand. Well, that's sort of the way I am with the spiritual world, irreverent sometimes, but attentive. Anyway, I'm pleased enough with the page...don't think it's my best work but it reflects the way this year is starting out for me....scattered but happy....
Very cool piece, Sarah. Great beads, and I loved the composition.
Your beads are great and your sense of humor is too!
Kathy V in NM
Hey, happy is what it should be about. The scattered - well, I don't know what life is if not scattered. I sure admire those people who can organize and plan!
Nice page and thoughts behind it.
Happy and scattered it is, but not random... maybe not so much scattered as moving outward in several directions? Irreverent yet attentive works for me! Cheers, Robin
Yep, Robin, I think that's it...definitely moving outward in many ways, and loving it!
Cheers back atcha!
I guess I am a bit inattentive too as it seems it's been a while since I visited.
I think irreverent is a good way to be. What else was Jesus when he broke the rules and mixed with the sinners and ate with the unclean? Besides that he enjoyed his wine. Probably there are stories about all the great teachers being irreverant. But - I don't know that joke you speak of! Glad you are happy at this time. Hope Rosa brings back the happiness too.
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