Saturday, August 15, 2009

Test for facebook page

I'm trying to see if this new app will post my blog post to my facebook page. Will upload a gratuitous vacation picture to see if pics go through, too. So here's a lovely tall ship in San Francisco Bay.


beadbabe49 said...

did it work?

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well, I clicked your "my Facebook" link thinking it would take me to your wall, but it didn't. Wondering if the app worked.

beadnik said...

I think it's working now. the blog and pics came through after a bit more tweaking the next day.

KV said...

Gorgeous photo, Sarah! I will be in Las Vegas on Sept. 5th to do a book signing at Tome on the Range. Hope to see you there . . .

Kathy V in NM