I've changed my schedule from full-time (3 12 hour shifts) to part time (2 12 hour shifts) in the ER, because of burnout and exhaustion. (I realized that if I'm frugal, I should be able to make it OK on just part time work, now.) I've been working nights for 25 years and it's beginning to wear on me. Anyway, I've got another whole *day* to work on my projects and am having a blast! So I've managed to get probably 2/3 done with my September piece and have mounted the cab for the bracelet. The blue doesn't show up as well as I'd like, it's more of a dark cornflower, and the pink is a color I think of as Cheyenne pink-lovely Charlottes that I got at the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow last year. I'm planning to try and do some sort of 'hair' for my face cab, either branched type fringe or a twisted fringe...not sure yet. And I'm not sure it will work, but it'll be fun to try.
What a beautiful face. I love this page so far. I think the blue is nice, any brighter might have been too much. I can't wait to see what hair she gets.
absolutely beaurtiful and I love that you are doing a beaded cuff also...
Amazing how much we can get done when we finally have the time, right? This is coming along beautifully, Sarah!
Kathy V in NM
What a fabulous concept!!! Love it!
Your work is amazing, Sarah! Are the deep rose colored parts supposed to suggest feathers? That's what it looks like to me. Congrats on cutting back on your work and giving yourself more time to bead. Twenty-five years is a LONG time... you deserve a break. Hope it continues to be OK financially for you. Cheers, Robin
She looks so serene. Are your fingers telling you how much better you feel with a day less of work? It's really turning out pretty so far.
Sarah, I love how you make a bead embroidered bracelet to make your journal pages. They are all so beautiful!
So happy to hear that you are cutting back on your shift work. As someone who also works shifts, I know how hard it is on the body and spirit. Now you will have more time to recover, renew and re-create!
Thanks, all, for the words of support and encouragement. Robin, the red areas weren't originally meant to suggest feathers, but they *do* look like that, and I love the serendipity of it all.
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