Wow, after the struggle of August, September is going much more smoothly. The bead embroidery part is well within my comfort zone, but the poly clay face is the first piece of poly that I've made that I think is really nice, and I'll make a face for my bracelet project, too. I can't wait to see what color progressions will come with the mandala. Right now I'm thinking reds and turqouises, but we'll see what happens.
What a lovely, peaceful face. You are really off to a good start.
Great Face!
I love this idea of womandala.
Very nice. I love August too. Cool idea to do a bracelet, then you will have something to wear too.
Beautiful beginning, Sarah!
Kathy V in NM
She looks so serene. Can't wait to see how this develops.
Womandala - what a lovely title.
wonderful start! is she from a commercial mold or did you sculpt her yourself?
Thanks all! She's a commercial mold that probably everyone has. Someday I'll be confident enough to start sculpting molds, but not yet. I used gold, cream and transparent clay in a blended sort of mix and was very happy with the color and depth of the face. I probably could have polished it more,but I like the soft feel. It almost seems like true skin tone to me.
Ah, the word womandala. Wish I could take credit for it's invention. I did think of it myself, or at least I thought I had, but then, knowing that ideas rarely are original, I googled the word and found many interesting sites built around the word. In hindsight, I guess it's a pretty obvious extension of the word mandala. But anyway, I love the idea and am happy it came to me. :-)
I think this is very beautiful! It's almost just like the piece I've been working on. The only difference is that it isn't pointed and it's more round/curved and the inside of the mandala is designed slightly different but I too have a face in the center. I guess GMTA!!! Smile... This is going to be absolutely BEAUTIFUL when you continue working on it. Please if you don't mind, take LOTS of pictures as you go along! Those are the absolute best pictures! BTW, like you, my face was my very first face I've done! Hmmm... This is going to be top notch gorgeous! May the mandala keep you beautifully centered and grounded as you work her magic. Smile
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